I wanted to use mysql in groovy shell, and I found it a bit trickier than usual. Also there is literally nothing covering how to do this on the internet. First thing is to configure your graphConfig.xml file.
Edit your grapeConfig.xml file (for *nix ~/.groovy/grapeConfig.xml). Then drop your config in there:
I had to update mine because I guess the central repo changed to requiring https now.
Fire up the groovy shell. Then execute this command:
groovy:000> :grab 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.18'
Now here is where things get a little weird:
groovy:000> sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/someDB',
'none of your business!')
ERROR java.sql.SQLException:
No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/someDB
So that sucks. Unfortunately the driver isn't known to the DriverManager so no workie. Too close for missiles, switching to guns for this one:
groovy:000> sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/someDB',
'none of your business!',
Bam! Now we're ready to start slamming some SQL in groovysh (woot).